AEC Cloud Workstation

High Performing Cloud Workstation for Engineers

Give your Engineering Firm Speed, Reliability, and Accessibility

The AEC Cloud Workstation leverages Microsoft’s data center and its Windows Virtual Desktop to let engineering firms run high demand software in the cloud. The cloud is no longer out of reach. Just fast access, easy collaboration, and lightning fast performance.

What you can expect:

  • Better than physical workstation performance
  • Real-time collaboration and better productivity with shared CAD and BIM files
  • Reduced costs and no upfront CAPEX investments
  • Enterprise level security and modern disaster recovery
  • Access from anywhere on any device

What Makes The AEC Cloud Workstation Different?

With previous versions of cloud solutions, engineering firms struggled with performance, slow access, and downtime. AutoCAD, Revit, Solidworks, and other applications are high demand and weren’t reliable in a cloud solution designed for more routine business applications. The AEC Cloud Workstation is built specifically for the AEC industry and leverage the expertise and technology of Microsoft and Microsoft Azure. Perfectly suited to deliver Windows 10 and Office 365, simplified remote desktop services, and most importantly – powerful enough to run the apps that run your business.

Request a demo to learn more

Ready to learn more about the AEC Cloud Workstation? Schedule a demo
with our team for more information.

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