Unlimited Support
Our services are designed to meet all the IT support needs of your small or midsize business – all at one predictable price. Unlike traditional IT consultants, we do more than provide support when you face IT problems. We proactively manage and monitor your IT systems. Our IT services include regularly scheduled maintenance of your systems. When your systems are proactively managed, it reduces the problems that IT environments experience due to neglect and reactively fixing problems.
InhouseCIO is able to provide your business with unlimited IT services because of these proactive solutions. There’s no limit on the number of phone calls, emails, onsite visits, remote support or number of requests. To emphasize that again, your business will receive unlimited IT support when you start working with InhouseCIO. Simply choose a service plan that fits your needs and get started.
- Your Own Assigned Team
- Unlimited On-Site Support
- Unlimited Phone Support
- Unlimited E-mail Support
- Unlimited Remote Control Support
- Rapid Response Times
- 24/7 Monitoring
- Your Own Online Client Portal
- Purchasing Assistance
- Help Desk
- And much more...